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Participation - School-based residency: Year 7 'Along The Hedgerow'

Education and curatorial practice

2015 – present Associate Advisor and CPD trainer for S.P.A.E.D.A. arts education, Somerset

2013 – present Associate Lecturer in Art and Design Education, Creative Education

2013 – present Access Art 40 Artist Educators (selected artist educator)

2011 – 2013 visiting lecturer, Exeter University and UWE, Bristol (secondary art and design PGCE)

2012 – 2016 Curator, Art for Life, Musgrove Park Hospital, and Quartz Arts Festival, Taunton

2011 – present Arts Award advisor for Gold, Silver and Bronze

2010 – present exhibitions interpretation and education specialist, including:

  • ‘Faces of Conflict, Royal Albert Memorial Museum, Exeter 2015
  • ‘Detached and Timeless’, Royal Albert Memorial Museum, Exeter 2014
  • ‘Gillian Ayres ‘Paintings and Prints’, Royal Albert Memorial Museum, Exeter 2013
  • Anthony Gormley’s ‘Field for the British Isles’ at Barrington Court, Somerset 2012
  • ‘Into the Light’, Royal Albert Memorial Museum, Exeter 2012
  • ‘The Road to Rome’, Royal Albert Memorial Museum, Exeter 2011

2009 – present artist-in-residence working with schools and teachers across the South West of England.

2000 – 2009 Full time Head of Art at secondary schools in the South West of England

1997 – 2000 Subject leader, PGCE Art and Design (secondary), UWE, Bristol

1990 – 1996 Full time art teacher / Head of Art at secondary schools in Leicestershire

1987 – 1989 Community artist and associated freelance socially engaged arts practice, Leicestershire


‘Making Art 16+’ (author) 2012, Falmouth University in collaboration with Devon and Cornwall County Councils

Sara Dudman